Being Still is Hard to Do


Being Still is Hard to Do

Last year, my new neighbor gave me a hummingbird feeder. Perhaps my age is showing, but I have grown to love looking out my kitchen window and catch a quick glimpse of a hummingbird as it rests on the feeder for just one moment to get in a drink before it dashes off once again.

I can relate to this busy and fast moving creature in that I don’t seem to get still very often. And yet, the Bible is clear that there are times we need to STOP and be still.


Perhaps you can relate to a lack of stillness in your life. Being still requires our time. It requires our patience. It requires commitment. Now I’m not talking about being still for a nap, a good nights rest, or even for a pedicure (but that all sounds really nice). What I am referring to is when we are still long enough to listen to our Lord.

My husband and I spent a couple of days out of town this week.  He was taking some classes that filled his day and I took all kinds of work with me to get ahead on.  On the drive over, I felt The Lord calling me to be still.  To spend some quiet time reading scripture.  To pray through all the situations, the family, the friends, the needs that I so often neglect to take time to pray about.  To rejoice and thank Him for so many answered prayers, for the blessings He’s provided, and for the way I can see His hand in so many areas of life.  Probably the most important use of my time was just in praising Him.  His goodness.  His grace.  His love that is just never ending.

In that hotel room with my Bible and my prayer journal, I got still.  I listened.  I turned over my worries, my fears, my sin and laid it at His feet.  It was the most enjoyable time I have spent in a long while.

I know we don’t often have that much uninterrupted time in our schedules but we can make time everyday to be still and listen even if just for a few minutes. Maybe it’s in the car with the radio off.  Maybe it’s when we are running or walking.  Maybe it is at our desk at work.  The great thing about spending time with our Lord is He is faithful to meet us whenever and wherever.

That hummingbird that moves so fast can starve quickly using all that energy.  It has to stop often for nourishment.  We as follower’s of Christ need nourishment too.

When was the last time you got still and listened?  He will meet you there!

Blog Signature 2

Psalm 1162


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