Peter learned from Jesus and wasn’t afraid to ask questions. He heard the sermons. He witnessed the amazing miracles and was even a part of one when he walked out to Jesus on the water. Jesus gave him a new name and a new heart.
In Luke 22:32 – 34, Jesus told Peter that He was praying for him that his faith would not fail. But Peter assured him that regardless of anyone else’s actions, he would remain strong, he was willing to risk it all for his faith. Despite the words Peter was proclaiming, Jesus knew his heart. He told him in verse 34:
“I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.”
Later that night, among the chaos of the arrest of Jesus and the brewing dissension, Peter became fearful and weak. And then came the denials. He denied being a disciple when questioned by a servant girl. He denied it when confronted by a larger group. And lastly, he denied even knowing Jesus. And then the rooster crowed. Scripture says as soon as Peter heard the rooster he broke down and wept.
Before we throw Peter under the bus (or maybe boat in his case) with his rapid fire denial of Jesus, perhaps we should examine our own hearts. Maybe like me, you can relate a little to Peter’s journey – to his dilemma, his fear, his weakness, and even his denial. Long ago I accepted Christ as my Savior, and I hope that is the defining characteristic of my life. Like Peter, I want to follow Christ, to spread His love to a world in need, and to be used to glorify His kingdom. But to do so, I must allow Christ to have my complete trust in every area of my life (not just the easy areas or the more “visible” areas of my life), and I must be obedient to his direction (even when that seems a little scary) regardless of my circumstances (the chaos of life), who I am surrounded by, or my mood and emotions (which can sometimes get the better of me), I want to have faith, to fully trust Him. If I don’t do these things, then I am really no different than Peter.
Christ knows this isn’t easy for us, and He, better than anyone, understands our fears and our weaknesses. It is a daily struggle. But in Luke 9:23, He calls each of us to DAILY deny ourselves (there’s a tough command), take up our cross (and somedays the crosses we have to bear can be quite heavy), and follow Him.
It is when we reach this point of complete surrender that our faith can be strengthened, that we can experience the peace that He provides, and our hearts can be joyful even when our circumstances don’t warrant it.
Does this type of surrender seem impossible? Perhaps somedays but it really shouldn’t because we know that all things are possible to them that love the Lord.
There is hope for us even if this is something we struggle with. After Peter’s denial, he went on to be used by God to lead many to Christ, he became a leader among the disciples, he helped form churches, and he continues to witness to us today through his inspired writings of 1 and 2 Peter. Over time and probably through those tough circumstances, Peter learned to fully surrender, his faith was strengthened, and He finally saw what Christ could accomplish through his transformed heart.
May these song lyrics be our prayer not just today but each day as we follow Christ.
My heart is yours, my heart is yours. Take it all, take it all. My life in your hands. All to Jesus I surrender. All to Him I freely give. I will ever love and trust Him. In His Presence I will live.
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