Monthly Archives: July 2014

Gaining Traction

I’m not really a runner.  I’m more of a “want to be” runner.  I’ve gone from couch to 5K, 5K to 10K and back to couch and then starting over again.  And while I would still not be considered a … Continue reading

The Highlight Reel

  The story of Mary and Martha found in the Bible is one that I have always been drawn to.  Generally, the way this story is viewed is that Martha was the wayward one and Mary was the one making … Continue reading

Thank You

In teaching a class on volunteer management years ago, I mentioned how important it is to encourage others, that writing thank you notes was a great way to accomplish that, and how this note writing would actually cause the writer … Continue reading

The Little (BIG) Things

This bike was a birthday present.  I even picked it out myself.  I will say that color and style had a great deal to do with my choice.  This lovely little bike has become a huge frustration for me. The … Continue reading