It is all too easy to take our hearts for granted. Our hearts are such complex structures, and the Lord created them to have a natural rhythm. It beats about 100,000 times in a day, which is about 35 million beats in one year, and we rarely, if ever, think about it until it misses a beat. I know that I have experienced an arrhythmia on occasion, and it definitely grabs my attention. This past week, I was visiting with a family member about her husband’s heart. He was experiencing an arrhythmia that was much more abnormal. His experience made me think about the rhythm of our lives, and how much we need God to help us keep our lives in the proper rhythm.
I must admit that I feel as though my own life’s rhythm has been out of sync the last few weeks. I’ve struggled to get over a lingering cold that moved into bronchitis, felt overwhelmed in catching back up with tasks at work and home, and simply lost a little of my usual joy. But the real problem with my rhythm was a lack of time spent with Christ.
It is so easy to lose our focus, to get overwhelmed, and throw ourselves into the tasks at hand. We allow worry and frustration to consume our thoughts. We work so hard and it all seems like futile efforts. But just as Christ created our hearts to naturally pause between each beat, we need quiet moments spent with Him in prayer and bible study in order to function at our best. When we seek Him first, turning all our worries and stress over to Him, asking Him to direct our steps, to guide where we allocate our time, it is amazing how quickly we can get back in sync.
My prayer is that we allow Christ to set the rhythm of our lives and our spiritual hearts. That we pause each day to spending time with our loving Savior. And that through His righteousness, we will function at our best for His glory!
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