Love Deeply

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Yesterday afternoon, I met my son at the store to try on his tuxedo for the upcoming prom. We just needed to make sure it fit before we took it home. As he walked out of the dressing room, my eyes immediately zoomed in on the fact that the pants were too short. And that’s where my focus went, that’s what I talked about, and I quickly began looking for a staff member to help. I didn’t pause even for a minute to soak in the moment of seeing my precious guy in his prom tuxedo and complimenting him on how great he looked. Instead, I focused on the flaw. I could tell immediately by the look on his face that I had missed such a great opportunity to show love and admiration for my child.
Now I have good excuses: I was in a hurry (aren’t we always?), I’m action oriented and immediately identified the problem and was looking for a solution (it’s just who I am), and I was really just trying to be helpful. But we all know the truth – there is no excuse. It’s just a missed opportunity to show love.
I’m sometimes guilty of doing the same things with my kids when they come to me with problems. Rather than just listening, giving them a hug, and showing real love, sometimes I just dive right into giving advice.
Please know that I’m not proud of my actions and the only reason I’m sharing my mom fails (I’m sure there are a gazillion more) is that I have a feeling it isn’t just me (please say it isn’t just me) that doesn’t slow down enough in the chaos of our lives to give our kids what they need more than direction, instruction, and even sometimes discipline. What they need is our love. Our unconditional, undeserving, and lavishly given love. Just like the kind our Savior gives lavishly to us.
“Above all, love each other deeply.” ~ 1 Peter 4:8
My prayer is that I slow down long enough each day to show real love to the very ones that God has entrusted to my care. That I look for the positives before seeing the flaws. That I listen (really listen) more than I speak. That my words and actions are always reflective of Christ’s light and love. Thank you Lord for the opportunity to be a mom. Help me to get better at it each day.
Perhaps you might share in my prayer today or at the very least learn from my mistakes made along the way.
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Surrendering Our Thoughts

Surrendering Our ThoughtsDuring the Lent season (and hopefully way beyond), I’ve given up negativity. Well, let’s say I’m at least trying to give up negativity. It definitely has a way of sneaking back in.

I’m claiming this beautiful verse “Whatever is right, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” ~ Philippians 4:8. In fact, most days I find that I’m saying it over and over in my mind.

Although, in general I’m a positive person, I have realized how easy it is to allow my thoughts to be taken captive by leaning to the negative. How we interpret situations, things that are said, even people themselves can drastically change when this verse is applied. I’m convinced that Satan starts with our thoughts. If he can twist them in such a way over and over in our minds, eventually those thoughts come out in our words and our actions.

The real key to this more positive and Christ centered approach is to spend time each day with our Savior in prayer and Bible study. Allowing Him to take over our stubborn hearts and fill our minds with His goodness.  To keep our focus centered on Him.

If what is filling our minds doesn’t fit into these categories (true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy), then we need to surrender those thoughts to the Lord.

My precious dog Emma has a morning routine. When she wakes up, she finds me wherever I am in the house. She wants me to pet her and talk to her and hug her for a few minutes and then she’s good to go for the day. I guess it gives her reassurance and love to start out the day. That is exactly how special my time is each morning with Christ. And when I don’t have that sacred time with Him, my thoughts, my words, and even my actions don’t reflect His amazing love.


My prayer is that as followers of Christ, we seek Him each day. That we allow Him to transform our hearts, take captive our thoughts, fill us with His everlasting love, and give us an overwhelming desire to share with those He places in our paths.

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Do We Give Our All?

Do We Give Our All?

A few short verses about the widow’s offering can be found in Luke 21:1-4. But Jesus only needed a few verses to say a great deal. He has the ability to say so much with just a few words (He would be excellent on twitter!).

Jesus noticed the poor widow that day in the temple as she put in two small coins for an offering. The Message version states that Jesus said “The plain truth is that this widow has given by far the largest offering today. All these others made offerings that they’ll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn’t afford – she gave her all!”

This familiar story hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. It wasn’t just that she willingly gave to her Lord but that she gave Him her all. So often, I give God my leftovers. My leftover money, time, attention, and effort. I give what I can fit in easily. Sometimes, if I’m honest, I give just what I feel is required. But the great thing about our Savior is that He sees through all that. He’s not interested in what we feel are our obligations or even what we do for “show”. Instead, He’s interested in our hearts. And He desires them completely.

And out of the overflowing of our hearts (when they are filled fully with Him), comes complete extravagance. We can’t help but spend time with Him through prayer and in Bible Study, we can’t stop our mouths from sharing His love with others, and we begin to give above and beyond in every way because we know all that we have been given is just a gift from our Lord.

“A good person brings good things out of the good stored up in their heart.” ~ Luke 6:45

And just as He noticed the widow that day that quietly gave, He will always recognize the goodness in our hearts. And every gift we give (no matter how small) will bring us closer to Him.

My prayer is that we pray for this kind of extravagant love for our Savior, that we give our ALL to Him, and that through the gifts of our hearts the Lord will be glorified!

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Move In Closer

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We arrived at the Saturday morning matinee a little later than planned and it was my fault. I was trying to fit in a few too many tasks before the start time which caused our family to run behind schedule. And this wasn’t just any movie – it was Star Wars and the theatre was packed (even on a Saturday morning). We managed to snag seats for the family together but it was at the end of a row (not at all our preferred seating of being smack dab in the middle where all the action is on display). And speaking of action, Star Wars had it going on (although not the point here).

But then our situation changed. The theater manager came in and spoke with authority that everyone had to “move in closer” as all seats had been sold. Somehow we managed to have great seats after the announcement. OK, maybe not exactly center, but enough that we were all smiles about it. Such a win! And I got my tasks accomplished before the movie (definitely not the point here).

Since that December morning, I keep thinking about those words “move in closer”. They seem familiar to me. Those wise words ring like an excellent piece of advice for the new year. In fact, someone else has told us to do just that and not just through His teachings but also His actions. When Jesus walked the earth He poured into many people of all walks of life through teaching, performing miracles, and even demonstrating His amazing love on the cross. But in addition to His overwhelming reach, He made an effort to move in closer to several people along the way.

Sure, He poured greatly into the twelve disciples that He called to join him in the journey. But I also love how He went out of his way to connect with those that would have perhaps been overlooked by everyone else. Those special encounters that required him to not view them as interruptions or taking Him off the planned path. He wasn’t so focused on the tasks to be accomplished that day that He failed to recognize the opportunities in front of him (yes, that hits home for me!). And He cared enough about these people to ask real questions of concern, to speak truth, and to show them what real love looks like.

One such example of this is the story of Zacchaeus (which I love!). Perhaps its because I’m short and can identify with not being able to see over a crowd. Or maybe it’s because I still enjoy singing the Sunday School song that shares about this “wee little man.” You have to give Zacc credit (surely, that’s what people really called him) as he was fairly determined to see Jesus that day climbing the Sycamore tree to get a better viewing. I truly doubt he thought Jesus would ever glance his way. He was probably so ashamed of his past that he really didn’t want Jesus to look at him. And yet he had to get closer. But Jesus did much more than make eye contact. Rather than writing Zacc off as a cheat and a liar the way everyone else did, Jesus called to him, went home with him, and spent the afternoon in his company.

Jesus made such an impact on Zacc that day just by moving in closer, and He encourages us to do the same to those around us. In a world where we feel connected by scrolling through our Facebook feed to view the highlight reel, it is easy to get a false sense of closeness with those we care about. But when we actually move in closer, we realize there is so much more. And just like Jesus’ example, we must make time for others, to truly care for them, to speak truth (without judgement), and more than anything to show love.  Just as we are told in 1 Peter 4:8 to love each other deeply!


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My prayer is that we ask the Lord for discernment and direction on moving in closer, that we make this a priority in our lives, that we look past the surface and small talk and instead seek to care more, and that we show His type of overwhelming love to a world in need.

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